Unter http://www.hymntime.com/tch/ttl/choose.htm kann man viele Choräle und Kirchenlieder auf Englisch nachlesen bzw. etwas über deren Herkunft erfahren.
Neue Lieder zur Ergänzung bisherige Gesangbücher
Hrsg vom Verband der deutsch-englischen Gemeinden Großbritanniens
Druck und Verlag von C. Bertelsmann
Gütersloh, 1914
Weisen, die mit einander vertauscht werden können nach Versmaßen; Singweisen mit vierstimmigem Satz; Lider Nr. 1-162, teilw. nur Texte, sonst einst. Noten und 4st. Sätze; Nachweis der Quellen nach Lied-Nr; Verzeichnis der Lieder alphabetisch; Druckfehler
Anm.: Aus den Quellenangaben ist zu entnehmemen, dass die Texte aus sehr unterschiedlichen Veröffentlichungen entnommen wurden. Darunter auch unbekannte oder weniger bekannte Autoren. Teilweise auch aus handschriftlichen Quellen. Enthalten ist z.B. auch ein Lied von Gustav Schüler.
The Wesleyan Methodist Hymn Book:
comprised the collection by the Rev. John Wesley, A.M. with Miscellandeous Hymns suitable for occasional service.
London, 1856’
Advertisement; Preface; Contents; A collection of hymns Nr. 1-803 nr Texte; Index to the hymns (alphabetical); An index to hymns in the preceding book; angebunden:
The Wesleyan Sunday-Scholars Hymn Book
Lindon, 1856
Preface, Contents; Index to the hymns; Lieder Nr. 1-226 nur Texte
Anm.: Es handelt sich um ein sehr kleinformatiges Gesangbuch
The Primitive Methodist Hymnal
with accompanying tunes
Edited by George Booth, M.D.; The Harmonies revied by Henry Coward (Mus.Doc., Oxon.)
London, o.J. (lt. Vorwort 1889)
Preface; Contents; Index (First line, name of tune, Metre); alphabetical index; Metrical index; Lieder Nr. 1-1108 mit 4st. Notensätzen; angebunden:
The Primitive Methodist Hymnal Supplement
with tunes
Completed by a committee appointed by the conference of 1910
Edited by George Booth, M.D. and W. Heslop; The Harmonies revied by H. Elliot Button.
London, o.J. (lt. Vorwort 1912)
Contents; Acknowledgements; alphabetical index; alphabetical index of tunes; Metrical index; Index of composers; Lieder Nr. 1-308 mit 4st. Notensätzen; The Lords Prayer in 8 div. Versionen mit jew. 4st. Notensätzen; Vesper Hymns Nr. 1-6 mit 4st. Notensätzen
The Methodist Hymn-Book with tunes
The music edited by Sir Frederick Bridge, M.V.O. Mus.D., King Edwar Professor, University of London, Organist of Westminster Abbey
London, 1904
Wesleyan Conference Office
Preface 1904; Preface to the edition with tunes; Table of contents; Songs Nr. 1-989 mit vierstimmigen Noten; Ancient hymns and caticles; The Ten Commandments; Responses to the commandments Nr. 1-6 mit vierstimmigen Noten; The Beatitudes Nr. 1-3 mit vierstimmigen Noten; Appendix: Supplement Tunes Nr. 1-39 mit vierstimmigen Notensätzen; Index of tunes; alphabetical mit metre and composter or source; Metrical index of tunes; Composers and sources of tunes; Hymns with tunes and metres
The Sacred Minstrel
A collections of Spiritual Songs with biographical sketches of the authors
W. and R. Chambers
London & Edinburgh, o.J.
Preface; Index von authors; Index von first lines; Die Autoren nach dem Alphabeth und ihre Lieder Seite -278 jeweils nur Texte
Christmas Carols new and old
The words edited by the Rev. Henry Ramsden Bramley, M.A., follog and tutor of Saint Mary Magdalen College, Oxfort
The Music edited by Sir John Stainer, M.A. Mus.Doc., of the same college
London, o.J.
Vorwort; Chöre Nr. 1-70 mit 4st. Notensätzen; Index (Nr. First Line, Autor, Komponist)
The Church Hymnary
Authorized for use in public worship by
The Church of Scotland,
The Free Church of Scotland
The United Prsbyterian Church,
The Presbyterian Church in Ireland
The music edited by Sir John Stainer
Edingburgh, Glasgow, Belfast, London und New York, 1898
Preface; Auotrenverzeichnis; Inhalt; Lieder Nr. 1-650; Appendix Nr. 1-15; Index of tune; Metrical Index of tunes; Index of composers; Index of first lines
The Oxford Book of Carols
By Percy Dearmer, R. Vaughan Williams, Martin Shaw
Geoffrey Cumberledge
Oxford University Press
London, New York, Toronto
22. Auflage 1954
Preface; Carols Nr. 1-197 (m. 4st. Noten); Appendix (Additional folk tunes which are proper to certain carols in Part I of this book Nr. 1-7); The carol arranged; Index of composers, sources, etc.; Index of Titles; Index of first lines
(1. Aufl. 1928)
The Song Book of The Salvation Army
Issued by authority of The General
4. Auflage
London, 1955
Forword; Explanatory notes; Acknowledgments; Contents; Lieder Nr. 1-983; Chorus Section; alphabetischer Index zu Liedern und Chorusse; Metrical index; The doctrines of the Salvation Army
(1. Auflage 1953)
The revised Psalter
Pointed für use with Anglican Chants
Cambridge University Press
Eyre and Spottiswoode Ltd.
Oxford University Press
The Society for promoting Christian knowledge
Impressum; Publishers note; Foreword; Morning Prayer; Evening Prayer; Psalms 1-150
With one voice
A Hymn Book for all the churches
Melody Line Edition
London, 1985
Te Deum (Text); Contents; Committee Forword; Editor’s Preface; Songs Nr. 1-579vi mit einstimmigen Noten; Index to hymns (alphabetical, first lines); Nicene Creed; Apostles Creed; Glora in Excelsis jeweils nur Texte
(1. Auflage als “The Australian Hymn Book” 1977)
A Selection of hymns for public worship
By William Gadsby
New Edition
veröffentlicht von The Gospel Standard Societies
Harpenden, Herts./England, 1991
Vorworte, thematisches Verezichnis, Lieder Teile I-VI, Nr. 1-1156, alphabetisches Versregister
Rejoice and Sing
Melody Edition
Published by Oxford University Press for the United Reformed Church
Oxford, 1992
Vorwort, Gebete und Liturgische Gesänge Nr. 1-20, Lieder Nr. 21-668, Psalmen und Canticles Nr. 669-735, Glaubensbekenntnisse, Nationalhymne, Vervielfältigungsrechte, Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis
(1. Auflage 1991)
Sacred songs and solos
Twelve Hundred Hymns
Compiled under the direction of Ira D. Sankey
London, o.J. (Reprint?)
Index to subjects; Songs Nr. 1-1200; Index to first lines
Sacred Songs & Solos:
Revised and enlarged with Standard Hymns
Twelve hundred pieces
Compiled under the direction of Ira D. Sankey
London, o.J. (ca. Ende 19. Jh.)
Preface; Index; Songs Nr. 1-1200 mit vierstimmigen Notensätzen und Texten; Metrical Index; Index alphabetisch
New Hymns and Solos:
Complied and sung by Ira D. Sankey
London, o.J.
Preface, Lieder Nr. A-138 mit vierstimmigen Notensätzen; alphabetisches Verzeichnis
Gospel Hymns Nos. 1 to 6
by Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan and Geo. C. Stebbins
Diamond Edition
New York, o.J.
Lieder und Chöre No. 1-739; Topical Index: Nach Themen und alphabetisch
The Christian Choir revised and enlarged.
By Ira D. Sankey and James McGranahan
Moran and Scott LD, London, o.J.
Preface, Chöre Nr. 1-281 mit vierstimmigen Notensätzen; Inhalt thematisch und alphabetisch
Hymnes ancient & modern
Norwich, 1993
Preface; Table of contents; Hymns Nr. 1-636; Index of first lines
(Reprint von 1889)
The Book of Common Prayer
And Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the Use of The Church of England
together with the Psalter or Psalms of David
Pointed as they are to be sung of said in Churches and the Form of Manner of Making Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons
Alexander’s Hmyn No. 3
With Standart Hymns edites by Charels M. Alexander
As used in the Chapman-Alexander Missions
Marshall Brothers Ltd., London & Edinburgh, o.J.
How you can help; Lieder Nr. 1-439 mit 4st. Notensätzen; Index alphabetisch; Topical Index
Anm.: Nach Recherche im Internet war dieses Liederbuch vor allem auch in Australien im Gebrauch; Charles M. Alexander gab weitere Liederbücher heraus. Diese sind wohl alle (?) online zu finden.
The New English Hymnal
Melody Edition with revised layout
The Canterbury Press Norwich
11. Auflage
Norwich, 1996
Preface; Contents; Acknowledgements; Copyright, Grants; Explantory Notes; Lieder Nr. 1-540 mit einst. Noten; The order for holy communion rite A und rite B (Nr. 541+542); Indexes (Hymns for Sundays and some holy days; alphabetical index of tunes; Metrical index of tunes; Plaisong Metrical index of tunes; First lines and tunes)
(1. Auflage 1986, danach quysi jährlich eine neue Auflage bis zur 11. Auflage 1996)
The Book of Common Prayer
And administration ot the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church according to the use of the Church of England together with The Psalter or Psalms of David
Pointet as thy are to be sund or said in churches; and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of Bishops, Priests and Deacons
Oxford University Press, o.J.
Dieser Ausgabe liegen die Kichenbegschlüsse der der Jahre 1964-1969 zugrunde.
o The Preface
o Concerning the Service of the Church.
o Concerning of Ceremonies.
o Rules toOrder the Service
o The Order how the Psalter is appointed to be read.
o The Order how the rest of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.
o A Table of Proper Lessons and Psalms
o The Calendar, with the Table of Lessons.
o The Revised Tables of Lessons (1922)
o Tables and Rules for the Feasts and Fasts through the whole Year.
o The Order for Morning Prayer.
o The Order for Evening Prayer.
o At Morning Prayer
o The Litany
o Prayers and Thanksgivings
o Collects, Epistles, and Gospels
o Holy Communion
o Publick Baptism of Infants.
o Private Baptism of Children.
o Baptism of those of Riper Years
o A Catechism
o The Order of Confirmation
o The Solemnization of Matrimony
o The Visitation of the Sick.
o The Communion of the Sick.
o The Burial of the Dead.
o The Churching of Women
o A Commination
o The Psalter
o Forms of Prayer to be used at Sea
o The Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating of Bishops,Priests, and Deacons
o Forms of Prayer for the Anniversary of the day of the Accession of the Reigning Sovereign.
o Articles of Religion.
o A Table of Kindred and Affinity
The Keswick Hymn-Book
Compiled by the Trustees of the Keswick Convention
Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltg.
London, Edinburgh, o.J.
Preface; Acknowledgements (Author, Owner of copyright, Number of Hmyn); Contents; Hymns No. 1-558 mit 4st. Notensätzen; Tunes alphabetically arranged; Tunes metrically arranged; Peculia Metres; First line of eych Hymn with tune and metre
Beilage: Keswick Convention – Official Programme 1965
Keswick Convention
Selected Hymns from the Keswick Hymnbook for Convention Meetings
Published by The Keswick Convention Council
Keswick Cumberland
The Origin and Purpose of the Convention; Hymns No. 1-78 nur Texte; Index alphabetical; The Keswick Fellowship; Tape Recordings; Land-Line relays; Missionary Hospitality fund; Booklets publishes by the Keswick Convention Council; “Keswick Week”; Copyright acknowledgements.